openATTIC 2.0.17 beta has been released

Shortly before the holidays, we're happy to announce the availability of openATTIC version 2.0.17!

Due to the onboarding of the openATTIC team to SUSE, this release took a bit longer than the usual cycle. But we hope it was worth waiting for!

As usual, we included a good mix of bug fixes, improvements and some new functionality. Some highlights in this version include:

  • Lots of improvements for installing and running openATTIC on Ubuntu Linux 16.04 aka "Xenial Xerus". openATTIC on Xenial now passes all tests and the installation should be fairly straightforward. We're still interested in your feedback, though - please let us know if you still find any issues installing and running openATTIC on this platform. An installation how-to is available in the last Release announcement, an update of the installation documentation will also be provided.
  • In the Ceph backend, we moved calls to librados into separate processes, to prevent potential blocking of the Django application and Web UI in case that RADOS calls get stuck.
  • We've replaced the previous systemd DBUS calls with calls to systemctl and now use systemd for starting/stopping/reloading services on all platforms where systemd is available (previously, openATTIC was still using the "old" SysV init tools, e.g. service). We also switched to using reload-or-restart for reloading services by default.
  • The Web UI received a number of refinements and improvements, e.g. some API-Recorder fixes and usability enhancements. Now, it's also possible to obtain a user's authentication token via the web interface, which helps to avoid using passwords in external scripts or applications that want to access the openATTIC REST API.
  • During the initial installation on RPM-based systems, the openattic PostgreSQL database and user account are now created using a random password via oaconfig install.
  • Improvements for setting up development environments using Vagrant.
  • We also added a new chapter to the Documentation that describes how to set up a multi-node configuration.

To download and install openATTIC, please follow the installation instructions in the documentation.

Please note that 2.0.17 is still a beta version. As usual, handle with care and make sure to create backups of your data!

We would like to thank Ricardo Marques and everyone else who contributed to this release.

Your feedback, ideas and bug reports are very welcome. If you would like to get in touch with us, consider joining our openATTIC Users Google Group, visit our #openattic channel on or leave comments below this blog post.

See the list below for a more detailed change log and further references. The OP codes in brackets refer to individual Jira issues that provide additional details on each item. You can review these on our public Jira instance.

Changelog for 2.0.17:

  • Backend: RPC API dependencies removed in oaconfig (OP-1255)
  • Backend: Infinite hanging librados calls are avoided by separated processes with timeouts (OP-1340)
  • Backend: Fixed creation of NFS and Samba shares on Ubuntu Xenial (OP-1697)
  • Backend: Fixed XML-RPCD on Ubuntu Xenial (OP-1698)
  • Backend: Fixed creation of volume snapshots on Xenial (OP-1699)
  • Backend: Fixed btrfs not being available when adding a new volume (OP-1726)
  • Backend: Fixed pagination on Xenial (OP-1727)
  • Backend: Fix Nagios scripts to get the volume usage statistics working again (OP-1403)
  • Backend: Fixed compatibility issues in our Ceph module on Xenial (OP-1763)
  • Backend: Fixed calls to systemd (not oA systemd) (OP-1769)
  • Backend: Fixed truncated dropdown inputs on Xenial (OP-1788)
  • Backend: Use reload-or-restart instead of plain reload for restarting services on systemd-based operating systems (OP-984).
  • Backend: Change taskqueue description and result fields to TextField (OP-1755)
  • Installation: Fixed Apache redirect from / to /openattic on Ubuntu Xenial (OP-1672)
  • Installation: Replaced hard-coded paths in systemd unit files with OADIR variable. Thanks to Ricardo Marques. (PR#522)
  • WebUI: Display and generate a user's API auth token. (OP-815)
  • WebUI: Render the Disks/Pools/Volumes indication of size in the frontend (OP-1115)
  • WebUI: Display alternative graph image if loading fails (OP-1403)
  • WebUI: Make the Disks/Pools/Volumes datatable sortable by additional criteria (OP-1427)
  • WebUI: Add a button to the API Recorder dialog to copy the Python script into clipboard. (OP-1706)
  • WebUI: Fixes iSCSI/FC wizard issue (OP-1718)
  • WebUI: Modify the API-Recorder Start/Stop buttons (OP-1720)
  • WebUI: Display tooltips again (OP-1749)
  • WebUI: Remove the OSD selection (OP-1615)
  • WebUI: Prevent the disabling of all columns in oA-datatables (OP-1158)
  • WebUI: Validate the right WWN formats in the selected host share method (OP-1786)
  • WebUI: Fixed browsing the Ceph pool statistics (OP-1743)
  • WebUI/QA: E2E adjustments related to OP-1786 (OP-1787)
  • WebUI/QA: Try to disable all columns and expect not to succeed (OP-1718)
  • WebUI/QA: refactored cmdlog e2e tests (OP-1797)
  • Installation: Fix Permission denied: /usr/bin/pip for Vagrant development environment using SUSE Leap (OP-1715)
  • Installation: New database instances are created using a random password. This change applies to RPM packages only. (OP-1438)
  • Installation: Improved error message for problems with database.ini (OP-1739)
  • Installation: Fix a bug with recreation of the database (OP-1757)
  • Installation: Properly restart npcd in oaconfig install on distributions using systemd (OP-1688)
  • Documentation: Applied some fixes contributed by Ricardo Marques (PR#523)
  • Development: Fix storage controller issue with the Vagrant Debian box.
  • Development: Fix patch file which is customizing settings in a Vagrant VM.
  • Development: Fix vagrant-cachier issues. (OP-1466)
  • Documentation: Added chapter about multinode setup (OP-1045)


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